
There are people I need to thank without whom this project would not have been possible.

Financial support has come from

Ecclesiastical Insurance from whom I received a Ministry Bursary Award

The Diocese of Bristol for a matching sum.

Initial training in podcasting came from the Media Trust – I went to their ‘Podcasting for charities’ course last summer which was excellent.

Also I have received help from Amanda Brown @AudioAmanda and the staff at AudioBoom who have removed the usual limit on the number of podcasts per month for the duration of the project.

I have received excellent sound technical advice from the lovely Martin Holmes, who started off lending me his recorder and has been brilliant will instructions on how to use it, told me what audio editor to use and also he has rescued me from an audio emergency at the beginning of the project.

The piano version of the theme tune is played by Mr Ian Phipps, many thanks to him.

My husband has also helped out sometimes when I have had a head scratching moment over the tech, so much thanks to him for that. The rest of my family have done what they needed to do to make this happen as well, so many thanks to them.

Without people being willing to talk to me this would have been a very boring project indeed so many thanks to everybody who has agreed to be interviewed.